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Q: What do Chinese people do during QingMing festival?
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The Qingming Festival takes place fifteen days after the Spring Equinox. During this festival, people sit outside and eat rice dumplings.

What does the Chinese culture people celebrate?

Chinese new year, moon festival, and lantern festival.

Why do people carry lanterns during Mid -Autumn Festival?

The Chinese doesn't carry lanterns during Mid-Autumn Festivals. Lanterns are carried on Jan 15 on the luner calender, its call Lantern festival, Yuan Xiao Festival.

What kind if cake does Chinese people eat during mid-autumn festival?

We (I'm Chinese) eat moon cakes during Mid-Autumn Festival. It symbolizes hope and homesickness. Research moon cakes at Wikipedia. Tells you a lot!Hope this helps!

What are some holidays chinese people celebrate?

Some holidays that Chinese people celebrate include Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival. These holidays are widely celebrated in Chinese communities around the world and are important cultural events.

How much people arrive at the Chinese lantern festival?

1273284714 people

What do Chinese people do during the festival?

They eat 汤圆 [tāngyuán] , it's a kind of sweet dumplings. They are usually stuffed and are served in soup.

What festivities and ceremonies did the ancient Chinese people celebrate?

Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival,Dragon Boat Festival and the lunar year.

Who celebrated the Chinese new years?

The Chinese New Year is celebrated by the Chinese people. The holiday is celebrated worldwide. The Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival.

What do Chinese people do during the lantern festival?

They eat 汤圆 [tāngyuán] , it's a kind of sweet dumplings. They are usually stuffed and are served in soup.

What do Chinese people celebrate every year?

Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year, Moon Cake, and Lantern festival.

Which people are involved in the spring festival?

Chinese people, include the majorities and even some expatriates living in china will have spring festival.