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Germany has may traditions around Christmas. In many families, it is still a custom to sing Christmas songs around the tree before opening up presents.

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Q: What do German children do before opening their Christmas presents?
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What is the difference between English Christmas and German?

The Germans celebrate Christmas on the 24th, and all the presents are opened on that evening. The 25th is still an important day, but it is equivalent to the 26th. Instead of Father Christmas, it is Das Christkind (the Christ child) that visits the children and gives them presents. Many families also do not decorate the tree until the 24th, and this is done is secret, by the 'angels', who then ring a bell and the children can go in and experience true magic.

Where do they keep the Christmas gifts in Germany?

If I understand your question correctly..... The German tradition is to put up the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Once that is done the presents are put under the Christmas tree. Children see the tree for the first time at "Bescherung" the gift giving on Christmas Eve. Not sure how many families still stick to the above tradition.

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Santa Claus' name in German is der Weihnachtsmann. The idea of Santa Claus is alien to German Christmas celebrations. Saint Nicholas visits German children on December 6 and the Christkind (Christ Child) comes to them on Christmas Eve with presents. Exposure to Anglo-Saxon culture since the end of the second World War has introduced der Weihnachtsmann into popular German culture. Das Christkind IS NOT the German equivalent of Kris Kringle

What is the German word for presents?

presents = Geschenke

Why do Germans celebrate Christmas on December 24th?

On the Wallaby's original answer:Germans do not restrict their Christmas celebrations to the 24th of December. Christmas Day is also important. The German tradition of celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve comes from the old belief that Christ was born in the evening, rather than on Christmas morning. Germans and, in other countries, Lutherans with German ancestry, open their Christmas presents on Christmas Eve, and the Christmas Eve service is a celebration of the Christ-child which, to many people, is more significant than Christmas morning services.

What is Mrsclaus name in German?

The concept of Father Christmas/Santa Claus is quite new to Germany. In Germanic and German speaking countries Sankt Nikolaus (Santa Claus) comes to children on December 6 (feast day of St Nicholas). He is depicted with Knecht Rupprecht (his servant Rupert). Traditionally they leave fruit and nuts for the good children and a birch for the naughty ones. As he was a Bishop he is not depicted with a wife in German culture. Presents are traditionally brought by the Christkind (Christ child) on Christmas Eve. It is only in the last sixty or so years that the 'Anglo-Saxon' idea of Father Christmas/Santa Claus bringing presents on Christmas Eve has come to Germany through increased exposure to British and American culture (initially following the second World War and occupation and then through movies and tv) In Germany he is known as der Weihnachtsmann.

Why do Germans open their Christmas presents on Christmas Eve?

It is simply a long-standing German tradition to start the Christmas celebrations on Christmas Eve. Additional Answer:And let's be honest: It's much more comfortable for us to open our presents at Christmas Eve, stay up late and sleep long on Christmas Day than to get up early and feel all tired...

How do you say Christmas in German?

Christmas in German is called Weihnacht

What is the German word for Christmas?

The German word for Christmas is Weihnachten.

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What does the German Santa Claus do?

The Nikolaus / Saint Nicholas, a figure inspired by the saint Nicholas of Myra, gives presents to children on the 6th December. Children put a shoe outside the door and on the morning of the 6th, the shoe is filled with candy and little presents, at least that is the most common practice. The Nikolaus may also come by in person, dressed in a bishop's robe or red coat, with a long beard and often carrying a bishop's crosier (pastortal staff). In some regions he has a helper named Knecht Ruprecht (among other names) who carries a rod to be given to children who did not behave in the past year.The Nikolaus was actually the inspiration for Santa Claus. These days, the Nikolaus and Santa Claus exists side by side in Germany. Originally, presents were only given on the 6th of December and not on Christmas. The Protestant church does not condone the worship of saints, though, and so the Christkind was invented who brought presents on Christmas. It was meant to be Jesus Christ, but over the years developed into a childlike angel. Many people still tell their children that the Christkind brings the presents on Christmas instead of Santa Claus.