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I wouldn't do anything about it. Don't assosciate yourself with this guy and things WILL get better with your friend. Just remember, Karma's a b*tch. try setting him up with someone that he realy likes fakely, get them to say "will you go out with me" and when he says yes get them to shout rejected in his face if u wana b my mate then my msn is gud luk

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11y ago

Revenge is never the best way forward, you will only cause even more issues and tensions.

The best thing you can do is find a new guy who actually cares for and loves you. Someone who can give you something that your ex cannot. And by being happy.

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Q: What do I do to get revenge on a guy that broke my heart?
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Do you forgive a guy who broke your heart?

Only if you really like that guy, but if he broke your heart many, many times then turns out he is probally just taking advantage of you.. But if he is a nice guy and not a jerk then you should(:

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Id say telling one of his dirty little secrets is the best revenge. If he doesn't have any then make one up. Just be careful, and you won't get caught if no one can prove it was you that spread it!

How do you get revenge on an ex that broke your heart?

You might feel like getting revenge, but it's not going to heal your broken heart. Only time will do that. It's better just to move on and not do anything that you might actually end up regretting.

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I don't get this. but no. she broke your heart. that's different.

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first he already broke your heart so why let him do it again stay away from him and keep him in the past if you go back to him he will just use you for one thing he will say anything to keep getting it also do not believe him!!!!!!! at all period . stay away from him or you will get walked on over and over.

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Say no I don't want my heart broken again

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That he was broke and he could not afford a present. Move on.

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There is a possibility that she loves him, even though he did break her heart. Girls don't see straight when they love someone. All they can think about is that guy. But, if the guy seriously broke her heart, then she may just be in shock and doesn't want to let him go.

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Read The Book!:D

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I'm sorry!

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the song is about a guy named drew, who broke her heart in real life!♥

What do you do if a guy asked you out and broke your heart once but now he asks you out again and you say yes but he breaks your heart a second time Now for the third time he asks you what do you say?
