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  • Because you love your ex and whether he loves you or not you owe it to the person you are with to be honest and should break up the relationship even if means you will be alone. It is extremely unfair to the person you are with. He thinks you love him and you love your ex. After you break up with the person you are with then contact your ex and if he does not have another girlfriend then ask him if he will meet you somewhere and see if you can get back together again. If not, then the two of you were not meant to be together and in time you will find that one true love you really should be with.
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Q: What do I do when I still love my ex but I am in a relationship?
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Honestly, If they are in love with their ex then there not worth it. you will find someone who loves you and only you.

If you have been in a new relationship for two and a half years but still think about your ex does that mean you still love your ex?

If you ever truly loved your ex you will always love your ex. It's natural to think of them. It's natural to miss them and wonder how things could have been. If you love your new partner then concentrate on that relationship and try not to let your ex become a problem. Yes, you still love your ex and that's ok if you also love the person you are with now. I think its ok for your ex to still have a piece of your heart. I still think about my ex and Ive been in my relationship 2 years so its pretty normal. So what happens to the person you have been in a relation with when you proclaim that you love your ex?? Isnt it responsibility or moral duty towards a person who has loved you currently for 2 and half years... that's very selfish I suppose when you are proclaiming to love your ex... what if your current lover decides to say that to you

Should you tell your ex you are still in love with her?

If you want there to be a relationship again then yes, how else would she know if you didn't tell her? In that case, don't be afraid to be rejected, just tell her you still love her and want a relationship with her.

You dreamed you were kissing your ex?

* This is a common occurrence because you use to have a meaningful relationship with your ex at one time, but this doesn't always mean you still love him.

How do you deal with your girl cheating on you with her ex more than once?

Break up with her. Even you love her, she's proven that she doesn't love you as much, or at all. If she did, she wouldn't cheat. Maybe you can still fix the relationship, but why bother? She's still not over her ex, and she still doesn't love you more.

What would your ex think if you told them im still in love with you?

An intelligent adult would move on to the next relationship.

What if you dream about living and starting a relationship with your ex a?

if you still love them,then see what you can do,and see if you can get back together, if not, then that's just how it is

What does it mean when your still in love with your ex?

That you are still in love with them

Why does your ex still randomly text message you once a month?

It's hard when an ex looses someone they used to love. Sometimes they still have a little hope the relationship can work again. And texting is a first start of getting the relationship back on track

Why would a man go back to an ex that has detroyed the current relationship?

He probably still feels love for the ex although they have destroyed their current relationship. The man might have low self esteem and might not believe that anyone else could love them. He might also have children with the ex and miss being a family unit with the ex.

What do you do when your still in love with your ex and he has another girl friend?

Ask yourself whom faults it is if the relationship is over, and then let it go.

Does an ex still love you after you broke up a year ago?

it can be possible for an ex to still love you after a year of the break up...i know i still love my ex and its been about 2 years