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Just the yard tools at first, you don't need insurance, licenses or anything else unless you are successful

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Q: What do I need to start a landscaping business?
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What is required to start a landscaping business?

To start a landscaping business you're going to need some equipment. This normally includes a truck, trailer and landscaping equipment. Startup costs are relatively low. Once you invest in the necessary tools of the trade, you're generally set for years.

Do you need a license in Michigan for a landscaping business?


What jobs are available to someone who has completed his Landscaping Certification?

There are multiple jobs available for a person with a landscaping certification. A person can start their own landscaping business or work with an already existing business.

If I want to start a landscaping service, what kind of landscaping equipment do I need to have?

You would need mowers, tractors, weed eating devices, chainsaws, and hedge clippers.

Do you need qualifications to have a job in landscaping?

That's truly dependant on where you are applying. Some business want you to have a degree in landscaping, and some just want you to have some expirence.

What is the best business idea?

I need Business Name Ideas I am starting a landscaping/tree trimming/cutting business and I need some business name ideas... I need something original and that includes a semi-description of my work.

Why do you need to be licensed in landscaping?

Landscaping itself does not require any kind of license. However, you probably need a business license or permit to operate a company. Check with your local chamber of commerce for more info.

Where can you work you are 13 years old?

start your own business like me i have my own business. its not hard here are some things you might try. 1. landscaping 2. house work 3. babysitting 4. parents helper i do landscaping and its a bundle of fun.

Where can you get a free landscaping service business plan sample?

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I really enjoy working outdoors, so I'm thinking about starting a landscaping business. What is some essential landscaping equipment that I'm going to need?

Well, if you subscribe to the classical belief, landscaping is only truly landscaping when using plants and beautifying the living elements outdoors. I think landscaping equipment is pretty standard, shovels, lawnmowers, stuff like that.

How much do you need to start business?

It depends on the business you are trying to start.

Why should you start a business?

you should start a business to earn isncome to buy whatever you need. When you start your own business and work for what you need there will be no need to steal rob or kill to get anything!!!