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Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members. No information about sales is available on the Irish Girl Guides or the Catholic Guides of Ireland web sites.

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10y ago

Irish Girl Guides eat the same things that other people eat. For specific Irish foods there is Irish Soda Bread, Barmbrack, Black Pudding, Colcannon, Farl, Goody, Irish Stew, Pastie, and Cottage Pie.

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Q: What do Irish Girl Guides sell?
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Who is the Chief Commissioner of Irish Girl Guides?

The Chief Commissioner of Irish Girl Guides is Helen Concannon, as of 2014.

Do the Girl Guides of the People's Republic of China sell cookies?

Due to the fact that there are no Girl Guides or Girl Scouts in the People's Republic of China, the answer is no, Girl Guides or Girl Scouts do not sell cookies there.

What kind of cookies do Irish girl guides sell?

Generally don't have those over here. UK Girl Guides don't sell cookies or biscuits (another name for cookies which is used in other countries). If there is a Girl Scouts Overseas troop with Girl Scouts of the USA affiliation, they might be selling GSUSA cookies.

How many countries sell Girl Scout cookies?

Girl Scouts of the USA sell Girl Scout Cookies. Girl Guides of Canada sell Girl Guide Cookies. Girl Guides Australia sell Girl Guide Biscuits (cookies).

What do Girl Guides in Panama sell?

Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members. Girl Guides in Panama would sell whatever their national organization allows them to sell.

What kind of Girl Scout cookies are sold in Figi?

It is unlikely that members of the Figi Girl Guides sell cookie products. Not all World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member organizations sell cookies as a national organization. Some national organizations, such as Girl Guides of Canada, Girl Scouts of the USA, and Girl Guides Australia Inc., do sell cookie (biscuits in Australia) products. Members of Girl Scouts Overseas sell cookies as members of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) in other countries.

Do Girl Guides Girl Scouts in Mexico sell cookies?

Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is possible that Italian Guides/Scouts do not sell cookies.

Do Girl Guides in India sell cookies?

Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is possible that Indian Girl Guides do not sell cookies.

Does Ireland have Girl Scouts?

Ireland has Girl Guides which is the same as Girl Scouts. The international organization is called the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. There are two Girl Guide organizations in Ireland: The Irish Girl Guides (IGG) and Catholic Guides of Ireland (CGI).

What type of Girl Scout cookies do people in China sell?

It is unlikely that members of the Hong Kong Girl Guides sell cookie products. Not all World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member organizations sell cookies as a national organization. Some national organizations, such as Girl Guides of Canada, Girl Scouts of the USA, and Girl Guides Australia Inc., do sell cookie (biscuits in Australia) products. Members of Girl Scouts Overseas sell cookies as members of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) in other countries.

What are the cookies that Girl Scouts sell in France?

Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so it is likely that French Girl Guides/Girl Scouts do not sell cookies. No information about cookie sales is available on the French Girl Guide/Girl Scout web sites. However, members of USA Girl Scouts Overseas sell cookies as members of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and may be selling cookies in France.

What kind of cookies do Girl Scouts in Lebanon sell?

Each World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member country/organization sets their own guidelines for money earning projects for their members, so members of Organisation Nationale des Guides et des Eclaireuses du Liban [National Organization of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of Lebanon] probably do not sell cookies. Some national organizations, such as Girl Guides of Canada, Girl Scouts of the USA, and Girl Guides Australia Inc., do sell cookie (biscuits in Australia) products. Members of Girl Scouts Overseas sell cookies as members of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA).