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Rosaline. The last they heard, she was the one Romeo was after.

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They think Romeo is in love with Rosaline

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Q: What do Mercutio and Benvolio think of Romeo's love?
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How do the comments of mercutio and benvolio add to your understanding of Romeo's character?

Benvolio and Mercutio are dramatic foils for Romeo. Throughout the play they think that Romeo is in love with Rosaline and are in the dark about Romeo and Juliet and their marriage.

What does benvolio suggest for romeos problem?

he is in love and dose not no what too do at this point he love to girls

Who does Mercutio praise in attempt to attract Romeo's attention?

Mercutio praises Rosaline in an attempt to attract Romeo's attention. He mocks love and tries to get Romeo to forget about his love for Rosaline by teasing him.

How does mercutio interpret Romeos action?

Mercutio interprets Romeo's actions as fickle and inconsistent. He sees Romeo's love for Rosaline as shallow and insincere, and believes that Romeo is being overly dramatic and moody. Mercutio tends to view love as a game and doesn't take Romeo's passionate emotions seriously.

How does mercutios attitude toward love contrast with romeos?

Romeo takes love seriously; Mercutio does not.

Who does Romeo love at the beginning of act 1 scene 1?

Benvolio doesn't seem to love anybody in Romeo and Juliet. In fact at the end of 1.1, and again at the beginning of 1.2 he seems to be teasing Romeo about being in love with Rosaline. But Benvolio's teasing is quite gentle - so perhaps Benvolio has been in love himself at some stage. Mercutio also teases Romeo about his love for Rosaline (2.1, and again at 3.1) - but Mercutio's teasing is vicious and obscene. Mercutio clearly has some kind of an issue with girls.

Who are four people Juliet has depended on for love advice or help and explain why she cannot turn to them now?

Juliet has depended on her nurse, Friar Laurence, Mercutio, and Benvolio for love advice or help. She cannot turn to them now because the nurse has betrayed her by suggesting she marry Paris, Friar Laurence's plan has backfired causing tragedy, Mercutio and Benvolio are both deceased.

What happends when Romeo meets up with the nurse?

Romeo and the nurse talk about how immature Juliet, Benvolio, and Mercutio are, and then fall in love and engage in sexual intercourse.

Who teases romeo about rosaline?

Romeo's friends Mercutio and Benvolio tease him about his unrequited love for Rosaline in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." They often mock Romeo for his lovesickness and obsession with Rosaline, which sets the stage for his eventual meeting with Juliet.

In romeo and Juliet who provides an example of foils?

Both Benvolio and Mercutio are foils to Romeo.

What do we learn about Romeos behavior from the conversation between benvolio and Romeos parents?

From the conversation between Benvolio and Romeo's parents, we learn that Romeo is acting melancholic and isolating himself from his family and friends. He is described as spending time alone in his room, refusing to participate in social activities, and exhibiting signs of unrequited love or heartbreak. Overall, Romeo's behavior is characterized by emotional turmoil and withdrawal from his usual social interactions.

Romeo's jovial friend in Romeo and Juliet?

Mercutio is Romeo's jovial friend in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet". He is known for his wit, humor, and loyalty to Romeo. Mercutio is a foil to Romeo, showcasing a different perspective on love and life.