

What do Muslim men where?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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They can wear clothes of any culture as long as they are modest and clean.

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Q: What do Muslim men where?
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The cap that Muslim men wear is called a turban. It is a type of wrapped head covering. Muslim men wear it as a religious symbol of their faith. Many Muslim men choose to wear green, because it represents paradise.

Are Muslim men required to wear a kufi?

No, Muslim men are not required, per religion, to wear a kufi.

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Men and women are separated so they aren't distracted from their prayers.

Are Muslim men in turkey allowed to have a beard?

In all the Muslim states including Turkey, Muslim men are allowed to keep beards, keeping beard in Islam is a Sunnat.

Where do Muslim men worship?

Specifically Muslim men (as opposed to Muslim women) pray in the front and center of a Mosque. Muslim women pray at the sides or the back of the mosque so that their image does not distract the men.

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the role of Muslim men is to earn money for their family women to look after the family

Why do most Muslim men have only one wife?

Some don't. Most Muslim men are allowed to have up to 4 wives.

What is the name of the clothing the Muslim men wear?

Per religion, there are no unified clothing styles or names for Muslim men clothing. However, There are requirements for Muslim men clothing that should be covered. Refer to question below for more information.

Are Muslim men allowed to hug a girl and never kiss her in America?

Muslim men are not allowed to hug or kiss a girl who is not their legal partner or relative; be it in America or elsewhere.

What can Muslim women not do?

All obligations and requirements per Islam religion that should be maintianed and followed by Muslim women are the same as that to be followed by Muslim men. Accordingly, you can refer to the question below on the fundamentals of Islam where all of them apply for both Muslim men and women.

Is it custom for Muslim men to feed another Muslim men at the dinner table?

No. It might be culture in some parts of the world but it has no foundation in islam.

What is hat of Muslim?

You mean the songkok? (Men)