

What do Muslims do before they go to church?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Muslims do not go to church. They go to mosque.

They don't have to do anything before they go to a mosque.

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Q: What do Muslims do before they go to church?
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Muslims go to a place of worship, similar to Church but, it is called a Mosque.

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Muslims go to Mosques and Christians go to churches.

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Muslims do not go to church. They go to the mosque or 'masjid' for prayers, which are done 5 times a day, every day. Muslims can either go to the masjid or pray at home or anywhere else. Friday is a special day of prayer on which many Muslims go to their mosque.

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They don't go to church. Tausug people are Muslims, and if you know how Muslims worship it is everyday. Not just Sunday or a day. If there are Tausug Christians, chances are that they are a very small population.

Do Muslims believe going to church is ok?

church is like a mosque or sinogog.yes,it is okay to go to church but Muslims don't go there because we don't believe in 24% of the bible and christians don't beleieve in 24% so we don't go in to each other praying spaces.

Do ALL Muslims go to a mosque?

No because we are not allowed in the church as Muslims. And the Muslims can only pray in the mosque and at home but not in the church. And my dad always tells me you can go inside it only when you are doing working and Allah knows you are only doing your work. By Abshir Abdirahman

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No, he's a Muslim, and Muslims don't go to church. By the way, it's Z-a-Y-n.

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A mosque is a church where Muslims go to profess their beliefs in Islam.

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Many Muslims have visited Christian Churches.

What is mosque to Muslims?

Mosque to Muslims is God house where Muslims gather for praying, studying Islam teachings, and reciting Quran. Like how a Christians go to a church on Sunday (or any other day to pray), Muslims go to the Mosque on Friday (or any other day to pray).

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yes they do in fact they usually sing for about an hour before they start their serman

What days do muslims go church?

Churches are for christians and mosques are for muslims. It is similar to a church and we also worship there but its called a mosque. There are services at the mosque five times a day every day, but most Muslims only go for Friday afternoon services.