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Their love ended in tragedy.

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They are all female figures from classic literature and myth who have been romanticized or idolized by male poets and writers, such as Petrarch. Each woman symbolizes beauty, love, tragedy, or loyalty, and has been the subject of poems, plays, and stories throughout history.

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How many poems did Francesco Petrarch write for Laura de Noves?

Francesco Petrarch wrote 366 poems dedicated to Laura de Noves, his muse. These poems, collectively known as the "Canzoniere" or "Rime Sparse," express Petrarch's unrequited love and admiration for Laura.

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Laura de Noves

Who wrote sonnets of Laura?

Italian poet Petrarch wrote sonnets to Laura in his collection "Canzoniere." These sonnets explore his unrequited love for a woman named Laura and are considered a classic example of love poetry.

Who wrote Canzoniere?

Petrarch wrote ''Canzoniere'' for the love of his life , Laura .

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Laura - try usng Google So now you can finish the Times crossword?

What is the background of sonnet 307 by petrarch?

Sonnet 307 by Petrarch is part of his collection known as "Canzoniere" or "Song Book." This sonnet is written in Italian and is one of the many poems dedicated to his unrequited love for Laura. In this particular sonnet, Petrarch reflects on the pain and torment he experiences due to his unattainable love for Laura.

Whose unrequited love for a woman named Laura inspired the Book of Songs?

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Who was the primary subject of the 300 sonnets and 49 canzoni songs in Petrarch's Canzoniere Songbook?

The primary subject of Petrarch's Canzoniere Songbook was his unrequited love for a woman named Laura. Through his poems, he idealized her beauty and expressed his feelings of love and longing for her.

Is unattainable in petrarch's sonnets?

Unattainable love is a central theme in Petrarch's sonnets. The object of his affection, Laura, is often depicted as a distant, idealized figure that he can never fully possess. This unattainability adds to the intense longing and yearning present in Petrarchan poetry.

How did the writing of Petrarch Boccaccio and Machiavelli demonstrated the values of humanism?

Petrarch wrote sonnets about Laura, an ideal woman; Boccaccio wrote about the follies of his characters in the decameron, and Machiavelli wrote about the imperfect conduct of humans in the prince.

How did the writing of petrarch Boccaccio Machiavelli demonstrate the values of humanism?

Petrarch wrote sonnets about Laura, an ideal woman; Boccaccio wrote about the follies of his characters in the decameron, and Machiavelli wrote about the imperfect conduct of humans in the prince.