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They all invented methods of communication... Morse - morse code, Bell - telephone & Marconi - radio.

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Q: What do Samuel F.B Morse Alexander Graham Bell Guglielmo Marconi have in common?
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What do Samuel Morse Alexander graham bell and guglielmo marconi have in common?

They created a revolution in communications.

What do Samuel F.B. Morse Alexander Graham Bell and Guglielmo Marconi have in common?

They created a revolution of communications.

What do Samuel f.b Morse Alexander graham bell and Guglielmo Marconi have in common?

They created a revolution of communications.

Who is the father of electronics communication?

For wireless communication, undoubtedly Guglielmo Marconi, who invented the spark gap transmitter. Then for telegraphy, it has to be Samuel Morse. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

Who is inventor of telegram?

the person who invented the telegram is Granville T.Woods

Who was older Samuel Morse or Alexander Graham Bell?

Samuel Morse invented Morse code in the early 1840's, where as Alexander graham bell did not invent the telephone until 1870, a mere 2 years before Samuel Morse's death. Whups, forgot to answer the question. Samuel Morse was born in 1791, and Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 making Samuel Morse 56 years older than Alexander Graham Bell

Were there telegraph wires when the Titanic sank?

There were telegraph wires before Titanic sunk. Samuel Morse developed the system in the 1830's but we didn't have the WIRELESS telegraph until Guglielmo Marconi, much later on.


Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham, Robert Fulton, Samuel Morse,Louis Pasteur,James Watt, Eli Whitney, etc...................................................................................................................................................

What new communications devices were created by Alexander Graham Bell and Samuel FB Morse?

Alexander G. Bell created the first working phone, this is where the Bell phone company origionated Samuel Morse created Moorse code

When was Samuel C. Graham born?

Samuel C. Graham was born in 1846.

When did Samuel C. Graham die?

Samuel C. Graham died in 1923.

When was George Samuel Graham born?

George Samuel Graham was born in 1874.