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You can tell if the poodle is a boy because boy poodles usely get the sport cau which shows no skin. Mostly girl poodles get buiety cut to shown in conformation. The sport cut is uaed for Agility or Flyball. Have any more dog questions? Ask me! Labrador123! Thank You!

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Q: What do Toy Poodle Genitals look like How do you know if it's a boy or female?
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How do you know if your toy poodle has an infection on her genitals she is on her first heat cycle and her genitals seem swollen and she keeps licking them?

It's normal. This is what heat looks like in a dog and this is normal behavior. If you have issues about the mess, many pet stores sell doggie pads.

Who was the woman painter of flowers that look like female genitals?

Georgia O'Keefe

Can a boy get in boy pregnant?

No. There is no possible way for a guy to be pregnant. He may have been born with the boy genitals and converted to female genitals and now looks like a woman, but he cannot become pregnant. It is only possible for females to be pregnant (if you are human). As for animals, I'm not 100% sure. I know that male sea horses get pregnant and the female sea horses do not.

Does a girl's genitals taste like pumpkin pie?

no The female Genitals donot taste like pumpkin pie but rather fishy when u go near it . But if u are used to the fishy smell u would actually love to eat it

Is a poodle like a apple?

Not at all....A poodle is an animal, an Apple is a fruit.

Does Cody Simpson like cats?

Yes who doesnt ---------------------------------------- i dont know but he does have a pet dog thats a poodle

What kind of dog does rihanna have?

it is a toy poodle cross monique. you can see this on all her photos

What is the genus of a poodle?

Like all domestic dogs, a poodle's genus is Canis.

What type of dog does sonja Morgan have?

It looks like either a poodle or a poodle mix

What happens to the genitals of male and female bodies when you die?

After death, the genitals of both male and female bodies undergo a process called livor mortis, which is the pooling of blood in the lower parts of the body. This can cause engorgement and discoloration in the genital area. However, within a few hours to days after death, the body begins to decompose, and the genitals, like the rest of the body, will eventually decompose and break down.

What is the genus of the poodle?

The common name of a poodle is poodle. The poodles french name isCaniche and the German name is Pudel (meaning one who plays in water).

How you know if a female like's you?

She will make you food.