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They have all felt the wrath of my .25 calliber pistol. They have all felt the wrath of my .25 calliber pistol.

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Q: What do a dog chimp cat and whale have in common?
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Are a tiger and dog more closely related than a fish and whale?

Yes, even though a tiger is of a the cat family, it is more closely related to a dog than that of a whale and a fish because a whale is a mammal but a fish is not.

Put fish rabbit hamster elephant whale cat dog horse cow bird zebra giraffe in order of ascending sizes?

fish hamster bird rabbit cat dog zebra horse cow giraffe whale elephant

Which is more common a cat or dog?


Did America send a chimp or man first in space?

Russia sent a dog. The USA sent a chimp.

Is dog cat and bird a common or and proper noun?

Common because they are not names.

Which one is most common a cat or a dog?

dogs are slightly more common.

What is a dog and a cat?

A cat and a dog are mammals and they are animals. These creatures are also common household pets and hate each others guts.

What is the most common pet in the whole world?

cat or dog

What do a dog and cat have a common?

they have tail,ears, and a way to communicate.....

What are the animals that are mostly abuse?

house pets like cat or dog but a dog is more common

What is Australia's most common pet?

It's a tire between the dog and the cat but I reckon the dog's better

Have there been any animals in space?

yes there was a monkey a chimp and a dog