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Q: What do all the superclusters we can see compose?
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What is the estimated number of superclusters since there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe?

Ten superclusters.

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Is Jupiter bigger than the local supercluster?

No, not at all. Jupiter is part of the Solar System, which is part of the Milky Way galaxy, which is part of the Local Group (of Galaxies), which is part of the Local Superclusters. Jupiter's mass is nothing when compared to the mass of Superclusters.

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What pulls superclusters together?

The gravitational attraction of the mass in the galaxies comprising the cluster.

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Hope you know where the Inbox and compose-mail components are present in your g mail account. The spam mails are located on a folder and the link to it is given in the menu where you see the inbox, compose-mail, etc.,

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There are 4 elements that compose all living things. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen. Out of them, the first 3 are the main ones.

Do famous artists like Beyonce compose their own songs all the time?

No not nessacirily they don't sometimes the producers compose the songs and they sing it.

Did Flyleaf compose their own songs?

Most of the songs they play, they compose. All the songs on the Flyleaf album, they composed, as well as all the songs on Memento Mori, with exception of Stay, which is by U2.

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What are billions of stars held together by gravitational attraction?

They form galaxies, galactic clusters, and galactic superclusters.