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Q: What do amend revise modify change?
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Related questions

What is a meaning of amend?

change, adjust, alter, modify or revise

What is a synonym for revise?

A synonym for revise is edit.

What is another word for rewrite?

Rescript, redraft, rephrase, reword, rework, amend, alter, modify, change, reshape, adjust and revise are synonyms for rewrite.

What is a word that means change or modify?


What is a synonym for modify?

Amend is another word meaning change is Coins/ Apexs

What is another word for edit out?

Synonyms for edit:correct, revise, improve, change, alter, amend

What does modyfy mean?

Adapt Amend Change - all mean modify

What 6 letter word means modify?

change, adjust, reform, recast, revise

Synonym of change?

alter, adjust, adapt, amend, modify, revise, refine; reshape, refashion, redesign, restyle, revamp, rework, remodel, reorganize, reorder; vary, transform, transfigure, transmute, metamorphose, evolve; tweak

What does ammending mean?

"Amended" means to change an already existing document by either adding, re-wording, or deleting. You can 'amend' a birth certificate to include information that wasn't previously on there, such as a parent's name. Or, you can also 'amend' a law to include something that wasn't previously there.

What are synonyms for adapt?

To adapt (something) is to change, adjust, or alter, with synonyms including amend, bend, fit, modify, convert, revise, or rework. To adapt (to something) is to become accustomed, and has the synonyms accommodate, comply, conform, adjust, readjust, or acclimate.

What are the synonyms for alter?

modify, change, reform, vary, transform, adjust, adapt, revise