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Amphibians grow legs and feet. If you look at tadpoles at about the three week stage, they start to develop their legs and feet while in the water

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Q: What do amphibians develop as they grow besides their lungs?
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Why tadpole cannot survive on land?

Tadpoles live in water, as they develop they grow legs and lungs which then allow the to live on land, as adult amphibians.

How do baby amphibians breath?

Amphibians are the type of animals that are able to live, breath and survive in both, terrestrial and underwater conditions. When they are babies, they have special breathing organs called 'gilles', when they grow up, they develop lungs, which allow them to live on land.

Are fish cold blooded and breathe with gills when they are young and then grow lungs when they become adults?

Most species of fish have gills for their entire lives. Amphibians are more likely to have gills at birth and develop lungs as they mature.Fish are generally born with gills and use them all their lives.Amphibians on the other hand are born with gills and have lungs after they reach adulthood.

When an amphibian is an adult does it have lungs or gills?

Most amphibians grow out of their gills before adulthood.

How does the respiratory system develop in a tadpole?

Well, a tadpole, devolopes its lungs when the lungs start to grow.

How does an amphibians method of obtaining oxygen usually change during metamorphosis's?

They grow lungs, and lose their gills.

What is a amphiboin?

Amphibians are creatures which spend part of their life in water and part of their life on dry land. Frogs, toads and newts are all amphibians. They all start their lives as eggs. They hatch out as tadpoles which breath through gills. As they grow, they develop lungs and legs, and are able to leave the water and walk on land.

Do damselfly nymphs have gills?

yep they do have gills but develop lungs as they grow older

What can breathe through both lungs and gills?

amphibians such as frogs and toads are born in water with gills and looks like a minnow; but as they grow older they get lungs and breathe oxygen

What type of animals begin life with gills but later grow lungs?

Many frogs and salamanders start their lives with gills, but when they grow they develop lungs.

What are two ways that amphibians breathe?

Young frogs, or tadpoles, breathe underwater using gills. Then they grow lungs and lose their gills. As adults, they breathe air using their lungs.

What is a salamander before it is a salamander?

First an embryo (egg-stage), later a larva (freeswimming stage)