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the answer is stretch

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Q: What do arteries have to be able to do when the heart pumps blood into them?
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How does the structure of the arteries enable them to withstand high pressure?

Arteries are able to withstand the enormous pressure of blood as it is pumped by the heart and to expand and relax between heart beats.

How does blood flow in blood vessels and veins?

Arteries and veins have two different mechanism for maintaining circulation. Arteries are highly pressurized from the heart's ventricular contractions. Veins however are slower moving relying on the skeletal-muscle movement to help it along. Veins also have valves to control and keep flow in one direction.

How does the heart help you live?

it pumps blood throughout the rest of your body, without your heart you wouldn't be able to do anything

Why is it important that arteries be able to stretch?

Arteries have to stretch in response to the force of the blood being pumped from the heart. If they didn't the amount of pressure would be higher. It could cause a leak or rupture in the brain. The pressure is what is measured and called BP.

Blood in arteries is red because it is rich in oxygen?

The pulmonary arteries are the only ones not carrying oxygenated blood. Arteries transport blood away from the heart and veins are to carry blood back to the heart. When you think this way, you may be able to visualize which vessels has oxygenated blood.

Why are some blood vessels more muscular than others?

The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, arteries, need to withstand the pressure exerted by the heart as it pumps to the blood to the lungs and to all the tissues of the body. These have thicker muscular walls, veins deal with far less pressure, so their muscular layer is thinner.

Which systems work with respiratory system?

The cardiovascular systemworks with the respiratory system by transferring the oxygen into the blood and then the heart pumps the blood throughout the body. Without the lungs and heart we wouldn't be able to survive.

Why does the heart pump blood around the body?

The Heart pumps your blood around your body because if it didn't you would die. You would die, because blood creates energy around your body, and if a certain part (let's say it's the leg) doesn't get enough blood there, it would fall asleep, and eventually fall off. Do you want your leg to fall off? No. If too many parts fall off, you die.

In which direction does oxygenated blood move?

It moves from the lungs back to the heart via the pulmonary veins. Oxygenated blood moves from the heart, through the pulmonary veins into the left atria and then through the bicuspid valve. It then flows into the left ventricle which pumps it through the Aortic semilunar valve and into the Aorta. From there is flows oxygenated blood throughout the whole body and all its tissues.

What happen if you don't have a heart?

You die. Your heart pumps blood thruout your body, blood keeps you alive.

Why is it important to take care of your heart?

If you don't take care of it, you won't be able to live. Since it pumps all your blood from your head to your toes.

Why are blood vessels important?

Blood vessels are the part of the body that transport blood throughout our body. ---- Opinion only: Blood vessels: Are organic conduits (tubes) carrying blood to the heart and organs. More specifically, they are tubes through which the blood circulates in the body. Blood vessels include a network of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. The arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues and organs and then branch into arterioles that are smaller arteries that carry blood to the capillaries (minute vessels that permeate tissues). Blood is then carried to the venules (small veins) which join together to form veins, which return blood to the heart.