

What do astronomers consider space debris?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Space debris is anything man-made that has been launched into space, but no longer has any function. Most debris is from parts of satellites/stations that have been ejected or that have fallen away.

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Mainly astronomers. But cosmologists and astrophysicists will also be interested in outer space.

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Space debris can be observed with telescopes.

Can you see pictures of space debris?

Yes, you will be able to see photos of space debris if you google images 'space debris'.

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In theory, it can't. Astronomers consider time and space to be different sides of the same function - they call it "timespace". As long as time continues, space will continue to expand.

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Find out how when a space voyage is planned space debris has to be taken in to consideration?

When a space voyage is planned, it is important to plan for space debris because a lot of the space debris floating around can lead to accidents in future space excursions. Empty fuel canisters are a good example of space debris.

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yes unfortunately it does (google search "space debris" for more information

Does anyone keep track of the space debris?

Oh yes, NASA tracks the space debris.

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Are astronauts and astronomers the same?

As astronaut travels into outer space and some have been killed doing so. Most astronomers stay on the planet Earth and look up into space. There have been astronauts who are astronomers, but, most astronomers are not astronauts. There have been tens of millions of astronomers looking up at outer space, but, only a few hundred astronauts. No, they are not the same.

When a space voyage is planned how space debris has to be taken into consideration?

When a space voyage is planned it is necessary to take the space debris into consideration because the space debris can clash to the rocket and create problems in communication, travelling etc. and make the journey difficult for the satellite