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They grow and they love Jesus. They are filled with the joy of the Lord, and they have not sorrow. They are in the presence of the Lord.

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Q: What do babies do in heaven?
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Where do babies go when they die?

heaven with all other people who have left us to go with god and the angles well maybe not the ANGLES but definitely the ANGELS. sorry... spelling error. Since babies are pure and their innocence has not been removed from their minds, there is no reason for them to go anywhere but heaven. They have not been exposed to sin or anything like that so they are more eligible for heaven than the Pope. Think about it... do babies ever intentionally steal, cheat, or lie? Do they disrespect their elders or commit adultery? When you think about it, babies are practically fallen angels! All deceased babies go to heaven no matter what.

Are you able to have babies in heaven?

no...b"cause its not our body that goes to heaven. its our soul that goes.. n our soul isn"t capable of reprodudtion.....

Why doesn't mankind kill there own babies so that they would be saved from sin?

That is because it is believed babies are a gift from heaven. life is too valuable to waste.

What will happen to babies when the world ends?

In the bible it says any child who is not yet baptist will go to heaven.

Do animals go to heaven when they die?

No they go to purgatory along with all the heathens and unbaptised babies you got a harsh faith

Is there another way for a person to go to heaven instead of praying and loving God?

There is killing babies will certainly get them into heaven because they are without sin, this way is much easier, because the babies will not have to suffer like a christian to go to heaven. Plus,it is better to live with purity in heaven than to be condemn to hell's fire with inpurity. If the whole world would kill there babies and than themselves this world would be free of sin and sorrow,because there wouldn't be anyone to commit sin to create sorrow for others.If this were to happen the world it would be perfect. The evil doing will be commit to damnation and the pure in the heart will revieve redemption.load o crapif people killed their babies then the babies would go to heaven you would go to hell for breaking one of the 10 commandments. that is also against god giving us free will. every single person has the right to live. If you killed your baby you would strip them of free will and god would send you to the gates of HELL!

Do Catholics say babies go to heaven?

A baptized baby has never had the opportunity to commit sin so, of course, the baby will go immediately to Heaven. The Church even feels today that an unbaptized baby probably goes to heaven and, if not, goes to a place called Limbo which assures everlasting happiness but with the absence of God.

Why various religions initiate babies?

In Christianity, baptism is a ritual that helps insure salvation. Some believe that it is better to baptise babies so that if they die they have a chance to go to heaven. Baptism also includes vows from the parents to raise the child in the faith.

What music video has babies falling from the sky?

The music video is named, "After Tonight" by Justin Nozuka

How did algonquin adapt to their environment?

now their up in heaven now their up in heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven holy gail buy anothe round

How did algonquin adapt their environment?

now their up in heaven now their up in heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven holy gail buy anothe round

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