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Bats produce ultrasounds that travel around the area and hit different kinds of prey, especially insects. Bats sense this as they have a hearing capacity of 100 Hz and 80000 Hz. This also helps them to make a mental picture of their surroundings ans they are prone to blindness during day.

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they use their uba sensitive ears to listen to the tiny chirps made by the bugs

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Q: What do bats use to find bugs in the dark?
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Can bats make noises in the night?

Yes, bats can use echolocation to find their food. They emit a high squeal and listen for the echo to find things in the dark.

Do bats use echolocation to communicate?

Yes. Bats use echolocation when they must find their prey in the dark, and it greatly helps them because there are many species of animals that bats eat that only come out at night.

What is one reason why bats use echolocation?

For the same reason we use light: to find out what is around us.

What do bats use to see in the dark?

bats have poor eye sightsthey use echolocation instead

How do bats keep from bumping into things in the dark?

Bats use echolocation to determine where they are going.

What do Bats use to find their food and find their way around?

They use there sence of smell and some bats use echolocation x

What senses do the bats use to find food?

Bats use their sense of hearing to find food. They use echolocation similar to dolphins.

How does a bat travel in the dark?

Bats use sonar that they listen to and when it hits something and bounces back so they can find prey and avoid obstacles also bats are blind so the sonar is there only means of travel

What do bats use to navigate in the dark?

Echo location via high frequency sound

Where can you find the bugs in ghost dogs of moon lake?

In "Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake," the bugs can be found on the rotting logs around the lake area. Make sure to pinpoint the location accurately to find them. Use a net to catch them.

Why do bats have eyes?

Some bats have solved this problem using their eyes. These bats (the Megachiroptera) have large eyes that are capable of seeing well even in almost total darkness. Bats are not blind! For example, flying fox bats have very good eyesight and they use their eyes along with their excellent sense of smell to help find food in the dark. Bats' eyes are better at seeing in the dark. Most see objects only in black and white, but color vision is known to exist in some old world fruit bats.Even the tiny eyes of the echolocating micro bats are sensitive to light. Mega bats are highly visual animals that use their eyes to locate fruit-bearing trees during nocturnal flights. Theses bats are capable of seeing more sharply than humans in the dark, but are not more sensitive. Some micro bats have the ability to discriminate between vertical and horizontal stripes. Observations suggest that when foraging for insects, bats use vision to control their flight altitude. In short, bats have eyes because they use it to locate and find food to eat and to live.

What do bats use to find things?

Sonar and smell