

What do bird do with their beaks?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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They use them to eat. They can typically peck small items and sometimes reach things in between tight vines or branches with their beaks that they would not other wise be able to use. Some use them for digging and others like wood peckers will use them to carve their homes in trees, Beaks have a multitude of purposes, but they vary from bird to bird.

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A bird's beak is evolved for the sort of food the bird eats. For example, birds who eat hard seeds have strong beaks to crack them open. Birds who drink flower nectar have long skinny beaks to fit inside the flowers.

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Depends on the bird really. Hummingbird beaks have gotten longer & Skinnier to fit in flowers, while other birds got shorter and fatter so the blunt beaks can crack shells.

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How many species of birds have bird beaks?

Every speices.

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Woodpeckers tap their beaks in bark