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They are related: cousins of sorts.


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Q: What do bivalves have to do with a octopus?
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Related questions

What do giant octopus eat?

The giant octopus usually feeds on bivalves, crabs, and lobster, but will eat a range of species. They have also been observed eating fish, sharks, and even birds.

Is an octupus a mollusc?

Yes, an octupus is a mollusk, to be more specific, their are 3 types of mollusks, gastropods, bivalves, and cephalopods. The octopus is a cephalopod, another cephalopod is a squid. So, review, an octopus IS a mollusk, 3 types of mollusks, and the octopus is a cephalopod. Hope this helps :)

What do giant pacific octopus eat?

The giant octopus usually feeds on bivalves, crabs, and lobster, but will eat a range of species. They have also been observed eating fish, sharks, and even birds.

Are octopopus's crustaceanswhy or why not?

An octopus is a mollusk. Mollusks have soft bodies. Some other examples of mollusks include snails and bivalves. A crustacean has a hard shell. Crabs and lobsters are crustaceans. Octopus like to eat crustaceans, but they are mollusks.ya

Difference between gastropods cephalopods and bivalves?

gastropods include species like snails and slugs chephalopods include octopus and squid Bivalves are organisms like clams, mussles and oysters

What do octupi and squids eat?

It varies on where the cephalopod lives AND what species they are, but generally speaking; gastropods, bivalves, crabs, barnacles, dead or dying fish, or other squid and octopus.

What is the scientific name for bivalves?

Bivalvia is the scientific name for the bivalves.

Why are bivalves called bivalves?

It has two valves, hence bi....

What mollusk group are suspension feeders?


What are the 3 groups of Mollusks?

Phylum: MolluscaClasses:AplacophoraPolyplacophora Chiton and limpetsMonoplacophoraBivalvia clams and oystersScaphopoda tusk shellGastropoda snails and slugsCephalopoda octopus and squid

What eats bivalves?

Humans and some sea animals eat bivalves. Bivalves are marine animals such as clams, scallops, oysters as well as mussels.

What do dumbo octupus eat?

they eat crustaceans and zooplankton octopuses eat more than just that. They eat fish and crab plankton and more then I can name. They don't JUST eat crustaceans and zooplankton. People I am a expert on octopus and I still go the school.