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They look like Monarchs

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Q: What do black and brown caterpillars look like when they turn in to butterflies?
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Are black and brown caterpillars poisonous?

No.It shouldn't be poisonous.Most Caterpillars like that are furry.Some are black with red stripes and some are red with black stripes.

What do the baby monarch butterflies look like?

Monarch butterfly caterpillars are yellow, black, and white striped and grow to be about two inches long before they pupate.

What is baby moth called?

Moths, like butterflies, metamorphosis from caterpillars, just a different species of caterpillars.

Do moles eat butterflies?

Yes, moles will eat caterpillars. They are insectivores, so they will eat many insects typically found in a garden like caterpillars. They usually eat their larvae.

Do butterfli lay eggs?

Yes, butterflies do lay eggs. The adults lay eggs on the plants that the caterpillars like to eat, so that when the caterpillars hatch they are right there surrounded by food. In fact, a lot of caterpillars even start out by eating their own eggshell!

What colors do caterpillars like?

i think red and blue are major attracting colors to butterflies

What animals compete with the Baltimore butterfly?

Here are the animals i know of: 1. White Tailed Deer- The White Tailed Deer compete with the Baltimore Butterfly for White Turtlehead because they both like to eat White Turtlehead. 2. Other Baltimore Butterflies/Caterpillars- Other Baltimore Butterflies/Caterpillars compete and support each other. They compete for food, shelter, space, and mates. And they support each other by producing more Baltimore Butterflies/Caterpillars. 3. Birds- Birds compete with the Baltimore Butterfly because the birds want other Baltimore Butterflies/Caterpillars to eat while the Baltimore Butterfly wants other Baltimore Butterflies/Caterpillars so they can mate with them. They both compete for other Baltimore Butterflies/Caterpillars for different Reasons.

What do wooly bear caterpillars turn into?

Little black or green pellets, around 3-4mm in lenght.

Does a fuzzy black and orange striped caterpillar turn into an orange and black butterfly?

I think you're thinking of the Monarch Butterfly. Either way, no. The Monarch caterpillar is not fuzzy. The fuzzy orange and black caterpillars are likely from the Isabella Tiger Moth. Google both those species and you should get pictures, see if we're talking about the same thing.

What do tiger caterpillars loook like?

tiger caterpillars have orange and black stripes. that's where they get there name from tigers

What are some host plants for butterflies?

A host plant means a plant that a caterpillar lives on. Adult butterflies eat different food than their caterpillars. Monarch adults like zinna and butterfly bush but monarch caterpillars like milkweed.

What is a butterfly's favorite flower?

Different butterflies prefer different flowers. Generally they like butterfly bushes and flat flowers they can land on like zinnia. Caterpillars are the particular eaters. Butterflies lay their eggs on host plants that their caterpillars will eat. Monarchs like milkweed. Swallowtails like dill, fennel, and carrots.