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first he was sent to Pilate and Pilate believed he was the king so he sent him to Herod and Herod believe him too so he sent him back to Pilate.

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Q: What do both Pilate and Herod tell the council?
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Does the bible tell of Pilate's death or how and when he died?

The KJV bible mentions Pilate in 54 verses, but does not say anything about how or when he died.

What did herod do When the three wise men did not return to tell herod where the baby messiah was?

King Herod became very angry. He ordered all males under the age of 2 to be killed.

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Nowhere that I know of.

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The bible does not tell us who he saw.

If King Herod was an Edomite by birth where does it tell that?

Some things we are not told in the Bible. Other books have these answers. "The Works of Flavius Josephus" has an excellent section on Herod the Great.

How did Pilate try to get out of dealing with Jesus?

A:There are three ways in which the New Testament gospels tell us that Pilate tried to get out of dealing with Jesus: The gospels tell us that there was a Jewish custom to release a condemned man for the Passover. Believing that the Jews would rather have Jesus released than Barabbas, a robber, Pontius Pilate asked whom he should release, but the mob told him to release Barabbas. Scholars of first-century Jewish customs can find no evidence that a condemned man was ever released for the Passover, but the story does parallel a known Jewish custom of releasing a lamb for the Passover and of sacrificing a second lamb. If this story was intended as an allegory, the Jews simply had the wrong 'lamb' released.Luke's Gospel introduces a second way, in which Pilate sought to have Jesus tried by Herod Antipas, ruler of Galilee, who was conveniently in Jerusalem at the time.John's Gospel has Pilate tell the Jews to try Jesus in their own court, but the Jews replied that they did not have the authority to condemn a man to death. Once again scholars have questioned whether this restriction on the Jewish courts really existed. A counter-argument is in Acts of the Apostles, which tells us the Sanhedrin condemned Stephen to be stoned to death.It is hard to tell which of these ways in which Pilate tried to avoid dealing with Jesus is historically true.

What did king judea ask 3 wise men to do?

King Herod asked the wise men to tell him where he could find Jesus, because Herod wanted to kill Jesus.

Where did the angel tell Joseph to go to protect his family from king herod?

The angel never actually said to go to a town. He merely said to flee to Egypt and to wait for Herod to die.

What is the council phone number for bellbowrie?

please tell me what the answer is!

How can you tell if a Pilate's fish is pregnant?

it would not be happy if it does not eat that is normal it will loook desperate that's normal too

Who was the King at Jesus birth?

The answer is King Herod There was no longer a kingdom of Israel at the time attributed to the birth of Jesus. The southern state of Judah, known to the Romans as Judea, was the homeland of the Jews and had gradually expanded since the time of the Maccabeans to include the former territory of Israel. Both Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel say that Jesus was born during the reign of King Herod the Great. Herod was an Idumean and was imposed on Judea by Roman military might, one reason that he was very unpopular among the Jews.

What can't the UN security council do?

they catn tell people what to do