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deoxyganated blood

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Q: What do both veins and lymph vessels contain?
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What are two ways in which lymph vessels are similar to veins?

The lymphatic system is comprised of thousands and thousands of white blood cells that fight off infection and foreign substances that may invade the bloodstream (or bodily fluids) that includes pollen and other allergens, also they fight against viruses and bacterias, etc. On the other hand, the cardiovascular system is the network of major arteries that bring oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart and then the blood goes to the other areas of the body.

What anatomically lymph vessels resemble?

Like veins of the blood vascular system, the lymphatic collecting vessels have three tunics and are equipped with valvesCarry lymph. Yea varily.Lymphatic vessels need a proper method of transport so they can reach their destination. They are not pumped, but pushed along by skeletal muscle contractions, and valves are in place to prevent fluid from flowing backward. They resemble veins, because the vessels need to be small enough to fit within the body along with the other arteries and veins, which are small enough to be in proximity.

Difference between veins and lymphatic vessels?

Comparison between Lymph Vessels and Veins.Similarities.both have an interconnecting network of progressively larger vessels;both transport fluids to the heart;the larger lymph vessels have the same structure as veins, i.e. their walls have the same three layers;both have semi-lunar valves to prevent any backward flow of blood;the flow of fluid is slow but steady and at low pressure;the fluid is deoxygenated;like blood capillaries, the walls of lymph capillaries are composed of a single thin layer of squamous endothelium.Differences.the walls of lymph vessels are musch thinner and more transparent;the muscle layer in lymph vessel is much less developed, but there is more connective tissue;blood capillaries form a continuous, open circuit, whereas lymph capillaries end blindly in the tissues;lymph capillaries have a larger diameter than blood capillaries;lymph capillaries have walls which are more permeable than the walls of blood capillaries. Consequently, larger molecules (such as proteins) are able to diffuse through them.

Do short gastric vessels include both veins and arteries?


What usually carries blood away from the heart?

veinsAnswerArteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, not veins. Veins are the blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart. The only exceptions being the pulmonary and umbilical veins, both of which carry oxygenated blood.

What are three types of blood vessels found in cats?

The three types of blood vessels are the same in both cats and humans: veins, arteries and capillaries.

The smallest blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the tissues are called?

In the circulatory system, veins are blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart. Most veins carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart; exceptions are the pulmonary and umbilical veins, both of which carry oxygenated blood to the heart.

Do both arterial and venous vessels have valves?

No. Only venous vessles contain valves.

Structural similarities between arteries and vein?

Structural similarities between artries and veins are1) The walls of arteries and veins both contain collagen which makes them strong and durable.2) They both contain elastic fibres which allow them to stretch and recoil.3) Their walls contain smooth muscles that enable them to constrict and dilate.4) They are both three - layered.

What kind of blood vessels are helped by contracting the skeletal muscles?

Veins are assisted in maintaining one way flow by the skeletal muscles' contrations. Valves also ensure one-way flow.

Lymph node that contain t cells and b cells?

T-cells and B-cells are both initially made in the bone marrow. T-cells mature in the thymus. They both freely float around in all lymph nodes and the various lymph organs (e.g., tonsils, spleen...).

How many lymphatic ducts are there?

The lymphatic system consists of:Lymph - This is a clear, watery fluid which carries away particles such as bacteria and cell debris from the bloodstream so that they can then be destroyed by lymph nodes.Lymph Vessels - These are lymph capillaries and larger lymph vessels, both of which transport the lymph. The lymph vessels become larger as they join together and end up forming two large ducts called the thoracic duct and the right lyphatic duct which empty lymph into the subclavian veins.Lymph organs and tissues - These include lymph nodes which lymph drains through before returning to the venous circulation and their function is to filter the lymph of things like microbes and damaged tissue cells. The main organ of the lymphatic system is the spleen. The spleen has many functions including destroying old and abnormal red blood cells, storing blood and it helps in immune response to infection.