

What do character do in dialog?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Speak to each other

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Q: What do character do in dialog?
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Dialogue is what the character says.

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Dialog show how a character speaks so you can see the level of education and regional area where he or she lives.

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What is dialog and how does it usually appear in a work of fiction?

Dialogue is what the character(s) is/are saying.

Looking at a script how would an actress recognize her dialog?

It will have the name of her character and a colon

How many characters are needed for a dialog?

2+. One character can talk to themself, but it then becomes a monologue.

Which kind of paragraph may consist solely of dialog or a quotation?

A dialogue paragraph may consist soley of dialog or a quotation reflecting conversations. Soliloquy is speaking thoughts aloud by a character in a play. This could also be a paragraph soley of dialog or a quotation.