

Best Answer

Like most great apes, chimpanzees are omnivorous, meaning that they will eat both animal and plant materials. They prefer fruits, which typically make up the majority of their diet, but will also consume a wide variety of other vegetation (such as leaves, flowers, tree bark, resins, and pith), as well as insects, birds and bird eggs, honey, and small-to-medium-sized mammals--including other primates, such as the western red colobus monkey, which they will sometimes hunt in a coordinated group. They will also eat soil, likely to provide them with minerals and trace elements.

Second answer

In zoos, chimpanzees are often fed a mixture of fresh fruits and vegetables (apples, carrots, cabbages, Oranges, and bananas are common), as well as food pellets that contain proteins, fats, and fibers. Vitamin and mineral supplements may be added to the food or supplied in water or juice. To encourage foraging behavior, additional food items (seeds, dates, raisins, tree nuts, etc.,) can be scattered or hidden in the enclosure. Some zoos also provide artificial termite mounds, as chimpanzees are known to forage for termites in the wild, and the insects are considered nutritionally important.

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Jenifer Carter

Lvl 10
3y ago
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7y ago

Like most great apes, chimpanzees are omnivorous, meaning that they will eat both animal and plant materials. They prefer fruits, which typically make up the majority of their diet, but will also consume a wide variety of other vegetation (such as leaves, flowers, tree bark, resins, and pith), as well as insects, birds and bird eggs, honey, and small-to-medium-sized mammals--including other primates, such as the western red colobus monkey, which they will sometimes hunt in a coordinated group. They will also eat soil, likely to provide them with minerals and trace elements.

Second answer

In zoos, chimpanzees are often fed a mixture of fresh fruits and vegetables (apples, carrots, cabbages, Oranges, and bananas are common), as well as food pellets that contain proteins, fats, and fibers. Vitamin and mineral supplements may be added to the food or supplied in water or juice. To encourage foraging behavior, additional food items (seeds, dates, raisins, tree nuts, etc.,) can be scattered or hidden in the enclosure. Some zoos also provide artificial termite mounds, as chimpanzees are known to forage for termites in the wild, and the insects are considered nutritionally important.

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What does cimpanzees eat?

Chimpanzees are omnivores.

What do chimpanzees eat and who eats them?

Chimpanzees eat fruit, seeds juice of fruit, leaves,blossoms,insects and meat. As for what eats them, I do not know