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Cholinergic neurons secrete acetylcholine.

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Q: What do cholinergic neurons secrete?
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What do Cholinergic fibers secrete?

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What are cholinergic nerves?

The parasympathetic nervous system, which uses acetylcholine almost exclusively to send its messages, is said to be almost entirely cholinergic. Neuromuscular junctions, preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system, the basal forebrain, and brain stem complexes are also cholinergic.

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What is cholinergic and anti cholinergic drugs?

Cholinergic drugs are used for urinary retention, myasthenia gravis, glaucoma. Cholinergic drugs act like the neurotransmitter ACh (acetylcholine). Anti Cholinergic (also called Cholinergic blocking) drugs block the action of the ACh. Anti Cholinergic drugs are used foe pylorospasm & peptic ulcers, bladder overactivity, parkinson's disease

What will be the effect of cholinergic agonist on the pyloric sphincter?

The pyloric sphincter is mediated by excitatory cholinergic vagal fibers, so a cholinergic agonist would constrict the sphincter.

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What agent blocks enzymes resulting in a cholinergic crisis

Do ganglionic blockers increase the effects of vasodilators?

Neural transmission within the ganglia is cholinergic (acetylcholine) and the vasoconstrictive neurons release epinephrine at the blood vessels. So blocking neural transmission within the ganglia will reduce vasoconstriction.

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