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We believe that, though it doesn't always happen here on earth, that in Heaven, God will be the just judge. He's seen everything that you've thought or done. Your only chance of a pardon is by Jesus Christ. He came down from His perfect home in heaven and was born in a manger. He grew up with the same temptations that you and I have and yet He never sinned. He performed miracles. He gave the blind sight, the sick health, cast out demons, and yes he even raised a few people from the dead. But the 'religious' people of the day beat him. Spit on him. and eventually nailed him to a tree. The put a crown of thorns on his head, and Jesus died. But that was not the end of the story. He went to Hell for 3 days for you and me. And then was raised from the dead. Thousands saw him. Over 500 at one time sometimes. But then he assended into heaven and if you'll only believe in him and ask Him into your heart, He will wipe all of your sins clean.

(This is all wrong there is nothing in this or that was in this world called Jesus Christ and if there was he was probally some guy on a street corner full of smack)

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Q: What do christians believe about justice?
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