

What do clownfish like?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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Q: What do clownfish like?
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Related questions

How do clownfish swim?

Clownfish have a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones. Besides anemones, clownfish donâ??t like many other organisms, and may be aggressive towards them.

How many different types of clownfish are there?

Heres all the ones I know: -Common Clownfish -Orange Skunk Clownfish -Maroon Clownfish -Pink Skunk Clownfish -Red sea Clownfish -Barrier Reef clownfish -Clark's Clownfish -Cap Clownfish !

Do clownfish have babies?

They lay eggs, like all fish.

What is a lifespan of a clownfish?

Well overall clownfish live to about 45-50 years in their habitat. Teenage clownfish will live to 45-50 years. On the other hand clownfish will only like 4-8 years once they are in a aquarium. I would Suggest not keeping any clownfish in a fish tank anywhere. Only because you give them a shorter life, and we would not like it if we were kept in a cage. REMEMBER, once a clownfish always a clownfish. Here is a clownfish joke for you: What did one shark say to the other while eating a clownfish? Answer: This tastes funny! hahaha By Grace

Is there an lps clownfish?

no there is not an lps clownfish.

Are clown fish invertabrates?

No, like most fish, clownfish are vertabrates.

What is a group of clownfish called?

a group of clownfish

Is it clownfish or clown fish?

The correct term is clownfish.

What continent are clownfish found?

what continent is the clownfish found

Do clowfish have a backbone?

Yes, clownfish have a back bone like all fish.

What are two different fish?

a flouder and a clownfish a flouder and a clownfish

Is a clownfish born alive or from eggs?

clownfish are born from eggs