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Cohesion: When things stick to each other (WATER)

Adhesion: When things stick to other things (ALSO WATER)

Surface Tension: a property of the surface of a liquid that causes it to behave as an elastic sheet. Think of it as the thing that helps insects to glide along the water. (ALSO WATER)

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Lottie Von

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Q: What do cohesive surface tension and adhesion have in common with reference to water?
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What do cohesion surface tension and adhesion all have in common with reference to water?

Hydrogen Bonding

What do cohesion surface tension and adhesion have in common?

Cohesion, surface tension, and adhesion are all properties related to the interaction of molecules in liquids. Cohesion is the attraction between molecules of the same substance, surface tension is the result of cohesive forces at the surface of a liquid, and adhesion is the attraction between molecules of different substances. These properties all involve the forces that hold molecules together in a liquid.

Is water cohesive or adhesive?

Water is both cohesive and adhesive. Cohesion refers to water molecules sticking to each other, creating surface tension. Adhesion refers to water molecules sticking to other substances, such as glass or plant tissues.

What is surface tension a measure of?


Surface tension is directly proportional to?

Surface tension is directly proportional to the cohesive forces between the molecules of a liquid. The stronger the cohesive forces, the higher the surface tension.

What property causes water to curve?

The property that causes water to curve is surface tension. Surface tension is a result of the cohesive forces between water molecules, creating a thin "film" on the surface of the water that resists penetration. This surface tension causes water to form droplets and exhibit behaviors like capillary action.

What type of forces are involved with surface tension?

adhesion and cohesion

The pull on the surface of the liquids that allow liquids to form drops when they fall?

It is surface tension.


Te tension on the surface of an object.

Surface Tension is found in what?

Surface tension is found in liquids and it is the result of the cohesive forces between the molecules at the surface of the liquid. This creates a "skin" on the surface of the liquid that resists external forces.

The cohesive forces between molecules of mercury are much stronger than those between molecules of water Which substance has the greatest surface tension?

Mercury has the greatest surface tension due to the stronger cohesive forces between its molecules compared to water. Surface tension is the property of liquids that arises from the cohesive forces between molecules at the surface, causing them to minimize surface area.

Why does water exhibit each property?

Water exhibits properties such as cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, and capillary action due to its unique molecular structure, which includes hydrogen bonding. Cohesion refers to water molecules being attracted to each other, adhesion is the attraction between water molecules and other substances, surface tension is due to the cohesive forces at the water's surface, and capillary action is the result of water's ability to climb a narrow tube due to adhesion and cohesion acting together.