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Plants that are considered poisonous to cattle include the following:

- Water Hemlock

- Rhubarb

- Lupine

- Low Larkspur

- Oak

- Tall Larkspur

- Timber milk vetch

- Death camas

- Greasewood

- Horsebrush

- Rubberweed

- Sneezeweed

- Broomweed

- Chokecherry

- Copperweed

- Desert Parsley

- Halogten

- Loco

- Milkweeds

- Veratrum

Other antiquality factors that must be addressed in feeding cattle include bloat, acidosis, nitrate toxicity, fescue toxicity, grass tetany, sweet clover disease. This is not really directed to the plants the cattle eat, but WHEN they eat them. To prevent bloat, let cattle out on a alfalfa or clover feild when they are not hungry. Also, make sure they have acccess to a bloat block to prevent bloating. To prevent acidosis, introduce a different ration slowly. Nitrate toxicity is prevented when cattle are supplemented with a high energy-based feed with plenty of carbohydrates and vitamin A. Fescue toxicity is only prevented if non-infected Tall Fescue varieties are seeded in along with legumes. Grass tetany can be prevented by not turning animals out onto pasture the first few weeks of initial pasture season. However if this cannot be avoided, supplementing with mineral that contains magnesium sulfate and calcium diphosphate or mixing a salt mix of 2 parts magnesium oxide and 1 part salt is even better. To prevent sweet clover disease, properly cure (or dry thoroughly) sweet clover hay or silage.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Meat and/or dead animals, woody plants like trees and shrubs (except the leaves and twigs), and any other plant, animal object that is either poisonous, unpalatable, or is otherwise unable to be digested in the animal's system.

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13y ago

they're gonna resist any kind of beef...vegetables are nice

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Q: What do cows and cattle not eat?
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Both (they drink milk there as well as eat beef) but there are more beef cattle.

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Bulls eat the same things that Cows and Cattle do because they themselves are cattle. See the related question below.

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Drenches should ONLY be given to cows that are sick, cannot eat or are bloated. A mineral oil drench is given to cattle that are bloated, and a drench containing electrolytes are given to cattle that have severe diarrhea or at the point where they will not eat. DO NOT give drenches to cattle that do not need it!!!

Do cows eat porkchops?

They don't. Cattle are herbivores, not carnivores: they eat plants, not meat like pork-chops.

Is a yak a cattle?

no a yak is not a cattle ,cattle is just a fancy word for cows cows are cool.

What Grains do Cows Eat?

cows will eat any grain, but most cows eat corn

Why do cows eat 24 hours a day?

This is common misconception that you have started to believe. Cows and cattle do not eat 24 hours a day. They only eat around 16 to 18 hours per day, and spend the rest of the time resting to chew their cud, socializing with other cattle, getting milked (only if they're dairy cows), traveling back and forth to watering holes, etc. Cattle can only eat so much before they're stomachs get full.

Can dog eat cows?

When dogs get in packs, they can kill young cattle, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they will eat them. Dogs are capable of eating raw meat from almost any animal, including cows, so to answer your question, yes.