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Yes definitely! Cattle are instinctively herd-bound and highly social animals--they prefer to have some other cattle around them to keep them for company. It's also a means of protection: A lone cow is a cow that, according to her ancient ancestral roots, will be most likely picked on by predators. If she stays in and with a herd of animals of her own species, she will be protected. When one is separated from the herd or kept alone, they may become agitated and nervous and bawl more often than they would if they were to be kept in a herd. Even if you only have one cow but have a few goats or sheep, the cow will bond with these other animals because they form a herd group.

New cattle that you have introduced into your current herd will fight with the your cows. This is normal behaviour, since they are determining where, in the herd's pecking order, the new animals stand in your current herd. Usually the fighting lasts for a day or two, with cattle head-butting and chasing each other, then once they have figured out where each belongs in the herd structure, they settle down to their old routines again.

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12y ago

Fight for dominance rights. They head-butt each other, push each other around until one or the other submits by retreating or allowing the dominant animal to chase it. After they've settled who goes where on the pecking order, everything is peaceful and calm again.

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Through body language, telepathy, and sight, sound and smell.

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11y ago

Most of the time they'll run away from the source that's causing them fright.

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"Bulling" refers to cattle riding each other. Cows (referring to mature female bovines, not the colloquial term "cows") will be bulling each other only when they are in heat.

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What are cows scared of?

Sudden loud noises, sudden movements, strange objects that appear someplace that weren't there before, some get scared of strangers walking through their pen, and animals that they've never been exposed to before, like dogs and horses, and even small children. Cows often get apprehensive when introduced to a new place or environment.

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How can a herd of cows be scared?

A sudden, loud, unfamiliar noise or sight can scare a herd of cows into a stampede for the hills. Cattle that are less exposed to various objects, people and noises tend to be most likely to "run for the hills" than those that have been exposed to just about everything from strange people to fire crackers.

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In Greek mythology, Apollo is not portrayed as being scared of any specific god. He is often associated with attributes like beauty, music, and healing, as well as being a skilled archer.