

What do crocodiles have to change to live in rivers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Not a thing. They are native to many tropical rivers around the world.

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Q: What do crocodiles have to change to live in rivers?
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Do crocodiles live in swamps?

Crocodiles not only live in swamps, the also live in riparian areas near rivers. Crocodiles hunt and live in areas that a predominantly water.

Do crocodiles live on the forest floor?

No they don't

Do nile crocodiles live in the ocean?

I think crocodiles don't live in Seas or Oceans because it's too salty in that place unlike in lakes or in rivers where mostly crocodiles live.

Do crocodiler live in the ocean?

No. Crocodiles and alligators live in rivers, wetlands, and swamps. Saltwater crocodiles sometimes do travel out to sea. Most of these are younger crocodiles not yet big enough to successfully compete for territorial rights in the inland swamps and rivers.

What habitat conditions do crocodiles like the most?

for freshwater crocodiles(they like to live near to lakes, rivers., etc..,) and for salt-water crocodiles(they live in sea water and some salty lakes..)..

What type of animals live in African rivers?

fish, crocodiles, eels, etc...

Why are crocodiles under threat?

There are several reasons why crocodiles are endangered. First of all, humans hunt crocodiles. Second of all, deforestation is occurring. Crocodiles don't live in any rivers and they only live in rivers in or near the forest, swamp or grassland. Third of all, humans cause air pollution which triggers acid rain which can kill fishes, plants and even crocodiles. Fourth of all, hydroelectric dams are built that can prevent crocodile migrations.

Do crocodiles live in the rain forest?

yes they do live in a tropical rain forest! :)

Does a crocidile eat a boa constrictor?

Boa constrictors live on trees. Crocodiles live in streams, creeks, and rivers. They will never meet each other.

What is crocodile is it omnivores animal?

Crocodiles are large reptiles which live in rivers and come to the land to sleep.Crocodiles are not omnivores.They are born carnivores.

What animals live in rivers?

Different breeds of fish live in almost all rivers worldwide. Other animals that live in rivers live in certain areas. For example, crocodiles and alligators live in warm waters of warm climates. Crayfish (sometimes called crawdads) live in rivers in the United States. Some types of turtles also live in rivers.

Do crocodiles live in creeks?

There are no crocodiles in the Okefenokee Swamp - just American Alligators.