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Decomposers break down dead or once living organisms. Without decomposers, the earth would be littered with the bodies of dead animals, plants, and other organisms

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Q: What do decomposer's break down?
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Why are decomposers called decomposers?

To decompose means to break down. Decomposers break down organic materials.

What do decomposers consume?

Decomposers consume dead organic matter such as leaves, animal remains, and other organic material. They break down these materials into simpler substances through the process of decomposition, returning nutrients back into the ecosystem for other organisms to use.

What are organisms that break down waste and dead organisms called?

Organisms called decomposers or detritivores.

What are organisms that break down dead organic matter in order to absorb the nutrient molecules?

Decomposers :)

Who or what is responsible for this cleanup?

Decomposers do this important job for an environment. Decomposers break down organisms that are no longer living. They break them down into nutrients that can be used again by new plants.

Decomposers break down dead organisms and produce?

Decomposers break down dead organisms which produce carbon dioxide and nutrients. These nutrients are then used by other organisms such as plants.

How do decomposers affect oxygen?

Decomposers are organisms that break down dead or decaying material. They affect oxygen levels by depleting them since they need oxygen to break down material.

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What organisms that break down organisms to get enrergy?

Decomposers (bacteria)