

What do dog fish eat?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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dog fish eat small crabs and lobsters

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Q: What do dog fish eat?
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by using its mouth

Can you fish with dog food?

Yes. Catfish are known to eat it.

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Well, a labrador would eat anything that looks like food... But it wouldn't eat fish if it had another choice ... for example : If in front of a dog were 2 bowls , the 1st bowl with normal dog food , and the 2nd bowl filled with fish ... I THINK the dog would choose dog food . (my personal thought)

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Yes,because if cats can eat fish then why can't dogs eat chicken.

What kind of plant do fish eat?

It really depends on the fish. Some don't eat plants at all. Just like mammals, fish come in many varieties which eat a wide variety of things. Dog-ma

Could a fish eat a dog?

Some could. Sharks for instance.

Can dog eat fish?

no they cant they will get very sick

What does dog fish eat?

Dogfish mostly eat smaller fish. They also eat squid, octopus and crustaceans.