

What do dolphins and whales have to keep warm?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Dolphins and whales have dorsal fins, blubber, and a high heart rate that keeps them warm.

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How dolphins keep warm?

Dolphins have a thick layer of fat that insulates their bodies when the water they live in becomes too cold. They also conserve body heat when necessary.

How does a bottlenose dolphins blubber help it survive?

Bottlenose Dolphins are not the only creatures that have blubber. So do whales, porpoises, etc. The blubber is almost pure fat, which helps the animal keep warm. I hope my information was useful.

How can animals like whalessharksdolphins keep themselves warm in cold water?

Whales and dolphins are warm blooded mammals, produce body heat, and have a thick layer of blubber (fat). Sharks are cold blooded fish.

How do mammals keep warm?

whales keep warm by their blubber! good question

Is a Zeuglodon cold blooded or warm blooded?

Zeuglodons are in the order Cetacea, which encompasses marine mammals such as whales and dolphins. They are warm blooded.

How do you compare dolphins and whales?

You can't! Dolphins are whales.

What animals have blowholes?

Whales and dolphins.

Do some whales give birth to dolfins?

There are no whales that give birth to dolphins. Dolphins give birth to dolphins; whales give birth to whales.

What are the differences similarities between whales and dolphins?

whales and dolphins both have fins, but dolphins are much smaller than whales

Why are pilot whales called whales if they are dolphins?

Some small whales are called dolphins, but small whales are still whales.

Are dolphins and whales humans?

No, dolphins and whales are dolphins and whales, members of the Order Cetacea. Only people are humans. Humans, like dolphins and whales, are mammals. But humans are members of the Primate Order.