

What do fancy hamsters like to eat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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well you should first study about hamsters they are good pets. You should ask your pet store if they have the mix that is for your hamsters.When you get him/her you should not handle for a day or two so they get use to their cage.Well you have fun!:)same for your hamster

by kerwin1721
-hamsters well as far as I know and because of the cartoon entitled "Hamtaro" which involves talking hamsters and their adventures they want to eat sunflower seeds

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Hamsters eat anything from curry to ice cream. They eat anything, trust me. Hamsters may like or not like mushrooms.

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What happens if a fancy hamster and a teddybear hamster mate?

Fancy hamsters and Teddybear hamsters are both Syrian hamsters. So their off-spring will look like a mix between the two. Some may have long hair, other may have short.

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You can purchase Siberian Hamsters from PetSmart. They are also known as Fancy Russian Hamsters or Russian Hamsters.

What causes hamsters fur to become shaggy?

It is natural for Teddy Bear hamsters ( Syrians ) and for Fancy hamsters.

Will your Syrian hamster kill your fancy hamster?

'Fancy' hamsters are just Syrian hamsters with interesting fur. Syrian hamsters are solitary creatures, and will fight against another. Do not put them together.

How do teddy bear hamsters react to strawberries?

if it is ripe they will like it .all hamsters like fruits ,vegetables ,and nuts .it does not matter what size . P.S. its a fancy hamster .teddy bear is just like a nickname.