

What do female clams do with there eggs?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Disperse them into the water surrounding them.

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Q: What do female clams do with there eggs?
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Does a clam reproduce sexually or asexually?

Clams have sexual reproduction. A male clam releases his sperm into the water at the same time that a female clam releases her eggs into the water. Somehow the male and female clams know how to do it at the same time and somehow the sperm and the eggs get together.

Clams respond to stimuli?

Clams are considered hermaphrodites. They are born as males and as the mature become females until full adulthood. The female lays thousands of eggs and the males come by and fertilize the eggs.

Contrast sexual reproduction of marine clams and most freshwater clams?

Marine clams, called mussels, reproduce by releasing their eggs and sperm into the water. Freshwater clams reproduce when the male releases his sperm into the water and the female sucks up the sperm into her body through her incurrent siphon.

Can clams change gender?

All clams, i do belive, start out as males and half of them turn into female or become both in there life spam. Researchers at the Marine Biological Association in Plymouth examined clams in estuaries from Southampton to the Severn and found that males at 17 of 23 sites suffered a condition called "intersex", where their testes contain both sperm and eggs. In some cases the male sexual organs contained thousands of eggs and up to 60% of clams were affected.

How do clam mate?

One clam opens it shell. Then the next. Then the male clam sticks it "tongue" in the female clams mouth. Then the female and male shut their shells. Then they start to do a "dance" Then they release their shells and continue as normal.

How do clams give birth?

It depends on the clam species. Apparently, some start out as little swimming larvae, and secrete a hard shell during one of their larval stages, or when they go through metamorphosis. Other species are released from the parent's mantle cavity as fully developed little clams.

What kind of reproduction do clams use?

The female clam lays eggs that float up into the mid-water just as the same time as the male squirts his sperm, on the way up, the sperm and the eggs mix together. Later on, the eggs hatch and baby clams chirp about, soon they will find their home on the rocks and have babies of their own.

Do clams lay eggs or have live birth?

They lay eggs.

When do clams have babies?

Clams release eggs or sperm into the water. They meet in the water. The eggs hatch in the water. That is how clams reproduce.

How does a clam have children?

Clams breed by releasing their eggs and sperm into the water at the same time. Once this is done, the eggs are fertilized as they float in the ocean, becoming eggs and then eventually turning into tiny clams.

Can clams come out their shells?

i think the eggs are the pearls that come out of their mouth

All clams start out as a male or female?
