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Q: What do food chains and the energy pyramid have in common?
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Is animal food pyramid the same as energy pyramid?

food chains

What is the direction of flow of energy for the pyramid?

construct to food chains with the help of the given energy pyramid

Whats the difference between biomass pyramid and energy pyramid and number pyramid?

== == Of the trophic levels of the ecological pyramid, there are three ways to describe the flow of energy in food chains. Numbers, energy and biomass. See the related link for more information.

How an energy pyramid and a food chain are the same and different?

A food chain shows food energy moving from organism to organism. A pyramid ofnumbers show how many organisms were involved in each level of food chain. Food chains always begin with the sun as the source of energy and the pyramid of numbers always has the producer as the base. Pyramid of numbers have more producers at the bottom than consumers at the top.The similarities are that they both are models and they both have the same organisms. They both have top consumers and they both show how energy is passed down from organism to organism.

What shows how much energy and food is available in each level of an ecosystem?

Energy pyramid Energy pyramid.

How is the food chain and the energy pyramid different?

The energy pyramid is more like a food chain type. It shows one spesific path as opposed to many paths. *I have to disagree with the above. A well drawn pyramid will show many producers, first level and above consumers in an ecosystem. Therefore it is more like a food web.

What is pyramid of energy?

a pyramid of energy shows how organisms get or produce their food

Where does a food chains flow of energy start?

All food chains flow of energy start from the sun.

How are food chains food webs and food pyramids similar?

They show mainly the same info: how energy flows through predation. Food chains show a specific path in which energy flows, food webs show many different variations of paths, with many different species involved, while food pyramids show the same thing as a food chain, but in a pyramid box.

What kind of diagram shows the flow of energy among different trophic levels?

Energy pyramid Apex^^^^^

What does an energy pyramid show us about energy in a food chain?

The difference is that a food chain is one path of energy, and a food web is overlapping food chains. As for an energy pyramid it show that there is less and less food and energy available as you go from the base to the top of the pyramid

What does a ecological pyramid show that a food chain or food web doesn't show?

A food chain shows how energy passes from three three-four levels of an ecosystem - with only one living thing being in each level per food chain. These only describe certain animals. A food web links together multiple chains, showing how energy is passed throughout an entire ecosystem (or at least a part of it). In a nutshell, food webs indicate how energy is passed realistically, as chains limit down the realism.