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Fossils reveal what organisms lived before us.

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Q: What do fossils tell scientists about living things?
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What can fossils tell scientist?

I think that fossils tell scientists what the animal was doing, what it was eating, and, how it moves.

Do scientists group living things by how they get their food?

It's hard to tell but but I say they do

Fossils tell how earths land blank blank and living things have changed over time fill in the blank.?


How do fossils help scientists learn what happin in the past?

Scientists can learn from a fossil of animal by its age, diet, and physical characteristics, depending on the condition of the fossil. For example, scientists would not be able to tell of a hominid was a new species or not if a few bones were missing, because of the fact that they could determine different or similar traits than other species of hominid.

How do scientists date fossils and artifacts?

Dating fossils and artifacts are easy. Scientist can look and tell how old the fossils by how many layers is under it.

What are facts about paleontology?

Paleontology is scientists working with fossils. they dig up the fossils and research them. Fossils are making some scientists believe that evolution is true. Some fossils look very similar and it takes a trained eye to tell the difference between them. Sometimes when a paleontologist finds a fossil they can tell the approximiate size, weight and details if the creature would be alive.

What do scientists use to mark boundaries in the geologic time scale?

I'm thinking it's index fossils because index fossils tell when or how old the layer it was found in. If that's what your asking.

What does it tell scientists if they find marine life fossils in an area where there is not any water?

It would tell anyone that the rocks which contain the fossils were marine sediments deposited in a sea or ocean below sea level.

What do we call the scientist who studies all types of fossils?

Scientists who study fossils are known as paleontologists.Scientists who study fossils are known as paleontologists. A paleontologist who studies dinosaurs may be a vertebrate paleontologist or a macro paleontologist.

How are fossils part of Alberta?

because they tell about what was living before us and the way the land formed

Most of what scientific know about extinct species is based on?

Most of what scientists know about extinct species is based on the study of bones and fossils. Scientists have studied many dinosaur bones to determine what they ate and how they lived. Fossils tell what the land was like at a given time in history.

How are fossils helpful to scientists who study evolution?

Well they tell about the past... Anyway what grade are you studying this? Is this a homework assignment? Are you cheating on something?