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Q: What do geologists base the classification of rock on?
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No, they're rock solid!

How do geologists learn about rock formations?

by studying them

What clues does extrusion tell geologists?

Geologists study where intrusion and extrusion formed in relation to other rock layers. This helps geologists understand the relative ages of the different types of rock! Hope it helps;)😊

How do geologists classify igneous rock?

Geologists classify rocks by where they are formed; above ground or under ground

How do geologists learn how a rock formed?

Geologists can learn how a rock formed by studying its features. Two features that are especially helpful for classifying rocks are composition and texture.

What do geologists look for when observing a rock sample?

its structure

What type of rock is most useful historical geologists?

Geologists love sedimentary rock because the fossils give a quick reference to their date of formation and environment of deposition.

How can a rock composition help geologists to classify the rock?

tell me the answer I'm the one asked it

What is the classification of MtFuji?

Mount Fuji is classified as an active stratovolcano, which is also the highest peak in Japan. It is considered an iconic symbol of Japan and has a symmetrical cone shape.

What do geologists call a single layer of sedimentary rock?

A stratum.

Which earth scientists is this the best are real rock stars?


Name three ways geologists study a rock sample?

geologists can study a rock sample by observing its composition, color, and texture. they also look at the rocks structure, hardness and weight.