

What do gorillas eat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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97 plant species. About 67% of their diet is fruit, 33% is leaves, seeds and stems.
Gorillas are omnivores. They mostly eat fruits, leaves, stems, and shoots of plants, but they also eat insects. Also they like to eat little bits of hay.

Gorillas are NOT omnivores, they are herbivores. The fact that they might occasionally consume insects while eating fruit, leaves and nuts does nothing to negate that fact. The have no need for animal foods, and zoos do not include animal products in their normal diet (though animal fat may be included in commercially prepared foods as an inexpensive source of lipids). In fact, meat fed regularly to a gorilla would result in its early death. Some tribes of chimpanzees, on the other hand, eat small amounts of meat, whereas other tribes of the same species do not.
they are vegetation

for mountain gorilla they eat 142 different species of plants and 3 different fruit only approximatly 86% of their diet depends on leaves, shoot, herbs 7% on roots and 2% on snails, ants.They eat sometimes invertebrates.
Gorillas eat plants such as leaves, twigs, bark, and grass. They are omnivores which means they eat plants and meat. The only type of meat they eat is a termite. They occasionally eat those.
Most gorilla species enjoy a diet of bamboo, fruit, and other vegetarian items. Though the western lowland species tend to enjoy breaking open termite mounds and feasting on the larvae.
Gorillas eat:

. bananas

. bamboo

. plants

The diet of the eastern lowland gorilla vary seasonally. Leaves and pith. Fruits when they are available. They also eat insects, preferably termites and ants. Aquatic herbs.

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What does gorillas eat?

gorillas eat leaves vines fruit roots and bark

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Gorillas mainly eat plants such as leaves, stems, fruits, and seeds. Two specific foods they commonly consume are leaves and fruits, depending on the season and availability.

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Where they find them. Gorillas are not known to gather food to bring with them and eat later.

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Are gorillas omnivores or herbivores?

Gorillas are primarily herbivores, with a diet that consists mostly of leaves, stems, fruits, and bamboo. However, they may occasionally eat insects or small invertebrates.

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Gorillas are omnivores. They usually eat a variety of fruits and some hay. They may eat an insect or two, which includes beetles.

What food do gorillas gets in its place?

Gorillas eat flowering fruits but the Gorillas that only it these are the one from western and eastern lowlands