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The guinea pig quietly stalks its prey. Staying in a low-lying position to stay downwind of, and out of sight from, the tasty grass stem, it is about to prey on. Then, with a quick guided motion, the guinea pig lunges forth, mouth open, teeth like razor blades, cutting through the grass quickly so that it doesn't have time to react nor escape. Another successful day of hunting.

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Q: What do guinea pigs eat and how do the catch its food?
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Can guinea pigs eat Oreos?

No, guinea pigs should not eat human food.

How does guinea pigs get food?

they look for food they do not eat meat they eat vegetables

Do cats eat guinipigs?

Most cats, if they can catch a guinea pig, will kill them and eat them. Cats love to catch, kill and eat rodents, and guinea pigs are rodents.

Can guinea pigs equals gs eat hamster and gerbil food?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat hamster or gerbil food, because they're not hamsters or gerbils. Guinea pigs can eat guinea pig food that doesn't contain any seeds, nuts, grains, milk or coloured bits.

How guinea pigs eat their food?

through there mouths!

Is calendula safe for guinea pigs to eat?

Calendula is a type of leaf and flower. Calendula is considered to be a safe food for guinea pigs to eat.

Where are guinea pigs on the food web?

Guinea-pigs are eaten by carnivores but eat vegetation, so approx in the middle

Can guinea pigs eat CareFRESH food for rabbits?

Guinea pigs can not eat rabbit food. Just go to a local pet store but don't give a guinea pig food that is also used for rabbits because they have different diets

Guinea pigs and the Inca tribe?

the Inca tribe tamed them for food, and they lived with them in there houses and huts guinea pigs were the Inca's most praised and possessed food's. thanks

Can pig eat human foods?

Pigs can sometimes eat human food, guinea pigs can eat more human foods than pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Straw?

yes they can but they prefer hay which i use as bedding.

Can Guinea pigs have sugar free cake?

no. guinea pigs should not eat human food.