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Their softness. Women has a thin layer of fat just below the skin that men don't have. It makes them feel soft.

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Q: What do guys find most attractive in women?
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Some guys find black women less attractive?

Guys that find black women "less" attractive is a very vague statement....Some guys find other guys attractive...(gay)Some guys find children attractive...(pedophiles)There are guys that attract ONLY to "black" women or ONLY to Asian. It means nothing.

What do men find most attractive in women?

What men find most attractive in a women is how she carries herself in front of others. Also, the appearance of a women attracts men too.

Do most women find men that are very intelligent attractive?

some women do find intelligent men attractive. While others may not like as much.

What do men find most attractive about women?

There is no single thing that all men find attractive. It varies with different people.

Do men find women with pale skin attractive?

men find all women with or without skin attractive. What kind of person wrote that last answer??? Diffrent guys have diffrent preferences. Most tend to not like pale skin. Some don't even care about appearance (as apposed to popular belief...)

Guys of what race or ethnic origin do girls find most attractive?

hawaiin and portuguese

Do women find men wearing stockings attractive?

No. There is no reason for men to be wearing stocking, unless they are dressing as a woman, and I don't believe most women would find that attractive.

What do girls find the most attractive?

Girls find long, clean hair attractive. They also think strength and fitness is attractive. They also like guys that smile and have nice eyes and ARE nice. Hope this Helps!

How do you think about Asian?

Most GUYS consider most Asian women to be extremely attractive (turn On) Most Guys also think of Asian men to be little (small in the pants) Whether this is true or not is still a mystery

Which country has the most attractive guys?

Attraction is subjective and varies from person to person. It's unfair to generalize based on nationality.

What girls find attractive in guys?

Well I find the "comedy dude" attractive the most. Some like "bad boys", "shy guys", "sporty guys", "romantic guys", "talented guys", "lazy guys", "smart guys", "sensitive guys", there is just a lot that girls like. So they like their personality. They like looks, style, and lots of things.

What Piercing Do Guys Find The Most Attractive?

On men, the piercings I have seen the most are eyebrow, labret, and tongue. As for the least common piercings for men, it would be nose and bellybutton.