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What is it?

A heart attack is basically a clot (embolism) that gets stuck in one of the hearts blood vessels. Heart attacks differ in seriousness depending on where the blockage is. Having a blockage in one of the main vessels can kill in 3 minutes. However, blockages in smaller vessels can go un-noticed for days.


Central crushing chest pain that could spread to shoulders or face

Fast Pulse and breathing



What will happen?

The sooner a person calls an ambulance, the better the patients chance of survival. In the UK, Paramedics can give powerful thrombolytic drugs such as tenecteplase which break down the clot in the heart. Also, Paramedics / Ambulance technicians will perform a 12 Lead ECG. This is a tracing of the patients heart electrical (myocardial) activity. From the results of this, they can interpret exactly where in the heart the blockage is.

When the patient gets to hospital. The doctors may finish the thrombolysis (giving the patient thrombolytic drugs). Or they may perform stenting surgery, where a balloon is put into the vessel of the heart and used to open it up again.

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