

What do hermit crabs like to eat?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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12y ago

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Hermit crabs are very versatile animals; they will eat anything. However, this doesn't mean they should eat anything. The one thing you absolutely can't give your hermit crabs is citrus fruit, as the acid will soften and erode their teeth, will dry out their mouth, and will be very painful to them.

There are other foods you should also avoid, such as pickles, tomatoes, and any other food that has a significant amount of acid in it.

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What do hermit crabs eat and why?

They eat fruits, like apple, grape, strawberry, pineapple, and coconut. (These are some examples). They can also eat some types of meat, and they eat these because Hermit Crabs live near the ocean, Unless you are talking about Marine Hermit Crabs (hermit crabs that are underwater). Hope this helps.

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hermit crabs don't eat people. thank the lord! but they don't eat snacks like we eat. don't feed them chips or chocolate and any dessert. and please no sugar! we don't need any hyper hermit crabs!

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Will hermit crabs eat fruit?

Yes. Hermit crabs love fruits, vegetables, and other snacks like unsalted crackers. Just don't give your hermit crabs any citrus fruits.

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im pretty sure that not all crabs eat hermit crab food. unless that u mean that do all hermit crabs eat hermit crab food? then the answer to that is yes. all hermit crabs eat hermit crab food.

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Hermit crabs are scavengers, so they will eat fruits, veggies, and sea food like shrimp.