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Originally it was thought an enormous volcanic eruption on Thera, 70 miles away, covered Crete in a layer or ash thick enough to kill plant life, leading the people to starve to death. Now it is generally thought, though there was a small layer of ash deposited on the island, the Mycenaeans invaded Crete from the mainland, killed the population, and took control of the island.

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historians think the Mycenaes and/or earthquakes

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Q: What do historians think brought an end to Minoan Civilization?
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Most historians think Minoan civilization was?

Invaded and destroyed by Mycenaeans.

Why did the Minoan civilization vanish?

About 1450 B.C., the Minoan civilization suddenly collapsed. Some historians think undersea earthquakes caused giant waves that washed away the Minoan's cities. Others think the cities were destroyed by a group of Greeks from the mainland. These invaders were called the Mycenaeans.

Who was the Minoan civilization?

I think they were on the island of Crete

What was the greatest achievement of the Minoan civilization?

vibrant culture (I think)

What Palace-city of the king is in the Minoan civilization?

I think you're referring to Knossos.

What Minoan civilization owed much of its success to?

i think it owed it success mainly to its trade with other nations?

Which civilization settle Crete first Minoan or Mycenaean?

The Minoan age came first.

Who discovered the Minoan civilization and when?

i think it's Arthur Evans. because i have this question on one of my work sheets. and here's what it says. "In A.D.1900 a British archaeologist named Arthur Evans discovered a large palace at Knossos in north-central Crete. This palace belonged to a civilization that Evans called the Minoan civilization, named after the legendary King Minos of the labyrinth. This civilization flourished on Crete between 2000 and 1450 B.C."

What do historians think happened to the Harapan civilization?

After they won war they all been attacked by the Indian soldiers

When did the Minoans civilization end?

The Minoan culture on Crete was during 27th century BC to 12th century BC. P.S. If you are a grown up who asked this question, guess what? An 11-year old answered it. Think about that:).

How did Athens become a civilization?

at first historians were not sure but now they think that nomads from the paleolithic era may have started it

What is no a theory on why the Minoan civilization disappeared?

You cannot put multiple choice questions in WikiAnswers; there's no way for you to enter the distractors. However... The Minoan civilization was likely destroyed by the explosion of a volcano called Thera. The resulting tsunami and rain of volcanic ash would have crippled Minos, making it an easy conquest by Egypt or the Phoenicians.