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Q: What do horns on male animals help them to compete for?
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Which animal has twisted horns?

Many farm animals have horns. Those animals include: Cows Bulls Goats Rams Certain sheep Deer (a male is called a stag, the one with horns) Moose

Which animals have 4 legs and horns?

a male cow a deer a moose

Do male cockroachs have horns?


Does a female moose have horns?

No - only the male or "bull" moose have horns.

How can you tell a female beetle from a male?

Male beetles have the big horns for attracting and fighting for females. Females have no horns at all.

Do Male Sheep Have Horns -?


What is an animal that butts and pushes people with its horns?

There are many animals that butts and pushes with horns like a bull, cows, goats, gazelles, reindeer etc.

Do boars have horns?

Boer goats have horns. But boars, as in male pigs, have tusks.

Why would on animal compete with another animal?

Most male animals will attack each other as a form of dominance or trying to protect their mate or their territory.

Do male Brown Swiss cows have horns?

All bovine are born with horns, unless they are naturally polled.

What is the male kangaroo' s role in the community?

Male kangaroos compete with one another for the right to mate. They also help to protect their family groups from dingoes and other predators.

How do male rhinos use their horns?

to battle attacers