

What do human cells obtain from the food they eat?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What do human cells obtain from the food they eat?
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Food is digested ,absorbed and transported by blood to all cells .

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Through the food you eat.

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They obtain there food by killing animals and gathering fruit and plants

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they eat tiny organic organisms floating in the water,also by the special cells that are inside the sponge.

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How do human cells get the things they need to survive?

Human beings derive nutrition from the food they eat. The food eaten is converted into simple organic substances by process of digestion. They are then absorbed into the blood stream where the are then transported by blood to various cells of the body.

How did prehistoric human obtain food?

Prehistoric human had inferior tools and resources than what we have today. They hunted wild animals and gathered fruits to eat. Food was mostly eaten raw or after roasting.

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They fight with other animals to obtain the food they eat. They have to fight for:water, plants and grass. They eat the food.

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They eat grass.